This page My Books is dedicated to the books I published myself. At the moment there’s two, both available in Dutch. As soon as English copies are available, I will update this page.
Het zakelijke hart
In 2015 publication of Het zakelijke hart – ondernemen van binnenuit. Target audience: independent professionals who are breadwinners.

Do you recognize the potential conflict between needing to generate an income and wanting to realize your entrepreneurial dream?
Developing yourself and successful entrepreneurship go hand in hand.
My book contains a practical psychological model and business roadmap from entrepreneurial dream to heartcore results.
With 52 exercises to be self-employed in a balanced and mindful manner and with a meaningful plan. Especially for entrepreneurs who are breadwinners.
Available as Dutch e-book and paperback and via Dutch bookstores or my own site
Leadership in Project management
In 2016 publication of Leadership in project management. Target audience: project sponsors & managers.

About 40-60% of projects are not successful.
And 61% of senior executives worldwide admit that they know that strategy implementation is important, but they fail at it.
It’s clear: leadership in project management is no longer a question, but a fait accompli.
This e-book provides a framework with practical tools to help you optimally lead projects from the perspective of your role as project manager or project sponsor. Achieve the desired results and add value. I offer you a framework and practical tools.
Available as Dutch ebook via BookBoon. English translation will follow.
About the author
To read more about Madeleine Boerma, click here.